1st day of a new cycle....ramping it up a gear seeing as no idea when hospital appt will be rescheduled

I will be 39 in August. Been trying for my first since August 2019 (except 2 months when in full lockdown) using a donor, have never had a positive pregnancy test. Was supposed to have fertility appt end of April which was cancelled due to COVID. I suspect my hormones aren’t balanced as I spot up to a week before af every month and have had some months tracking bbt where I didn’t appear to have ovulated.

Even though I knew I wasn’t pregnant again this month, I have still been upset today that af showed and having to message my donor and say another month, another no. He has a 1 year old so I’m pretty sure the issue is with me.

I use Clearblue advanced ovulation test to know when to inseminate and aim for the day before peak, the day of peak and the day after peak (ovulation day) and I take pregnacare max and ubiquinol.

Am ramping it up for this month onwards. Have invested in OvuSense to confirm more definitively if I am ovulating or not. Have also ordered some fertility tea bags with red clover, chaste tree and raspberry leaf. Also some cough medicine to take before inseminating to help my cm be better and more sperm friendly (I also have pre seed). Working hard to eat a really good diet with lots of fertility friendly foods and am going to start exercising, walking to begin with to ease into it.

Please keep everything crossed for me that this all helps. I know at my age my fertility is declining every month but I so badly want to be a mummy 🥰