Hate my ex baby daddy

So he has like a month without giving money to my son that lives with me he lives a few blocks away and hasn’t came and hasn’t called in weeks he lasts weeks sometimes without calling and give my son used things sometimes he is so cheap he even gave my four year old a used scooter he always gave his allowence 50 dollars a week that’s not much I’ve asked him for the money and all he says is he doesn’t have but he is working how I know his working because. Had to call him today and in FaceTime he is always mostly working. He is from Honduras and doesn’t have papers I don’t know if I could put him in child support without being deported don’t want my son to not have a father either. I just freaking hate how he gives used things that sometimes he even finds like he gave him a scooter that he doesn’t know how to use like why not a new one and it’s a loose scooter all dirty he gave it and loose and old. He is so fucking cheap his birthday is the 24th he wanted to get him a bike like he is still too small to learn to ride a bike so we told him he needed shoes he only has one pair of expensive shoes that are Jordana that his dad got him the rest not expensive only from really cheap places. Like every time he comes to see him all the other times he has came he is with an attitude with me like wtf you come to my house with and attitude sometimes doesn’t even say hi. Last time we ordered pizza because I live with my husband also so he was outside talking to my family in front of the house and he just started at me mad like strange. Once a long time ago when he was still giving money he told me send me a pic of his outfit your buying him. He has also told me I’m lazy and blah blah blah 😑 like umm okay I have a husband you don’t have to tell me I’m lazy and that your happy we broke up once he came my husband wasn’t here and he said I’m glad I left you and broke up with you and I said okay I’m happy too because if not I wouldn’t have met my husband. He even tried flirting with me many times when I was home alone. He wanted me to go to the room and started grabbing me hard and lifting up my shirt once I didn’t have a bra and he starting licking my nipples and I pushed him and he said he doesn’t have to know