Another OB appointment, another day still pregnant


I have to go to the OB twice a week now. 1 for an ultrasound, 2 NST, and an appointment with my OB. I'm getting so annoyed now with this that I actually left my appointment today in tears. I'm just DONE! I'm only 39 weeks 2 days but I quit. They keep asking me about the baby moving which I always say I can feel him sometimes and no one listens to me except for my midwife. She is the only one that seems concerned. I'm tired of having random doctors shove their fingers into me just to tell me the same thing every week "you're not dilated, 50% effaced and your cervix and baby are still high." After today, I'm done being checked. I refuse anything being shoved into me unless I am in labor or being induced. And my doctor today told me that I need to start considering my options. I have a growth scan on Monday and I'm sure baby will be measuring over 9lbs. He was sitting at 7lbs 6oz at 37 weeks. But I dont know what to believe. I have heard many people say that the scan is either spot on or its waaaaay off. Even the ultrasound tech said not to take the weight to seriously. My OB is a huge pusher for csections and I dont want to go that route unless it becomes medically necessary. So now he has resorted to scare tactics and threw shoulder dystocia at me today. I have researched a lot and I researched this too but he is the only one pushing this at me. I dont get it though. If my doctors are so afraid that this baby wont fit, then why didnt they induce me already. Or if they were so afraid of things not working out, then why didnt they induce me already. This is the only doctor that has seemed to push things on me, the other 2 plus my midwife all seem to think I'll be fine and that a high baby and high cervix dont mean much because it can all literally change in the blink of the eye. Sorry for this long post. I'm just so done with this all