Should children get to choose which parent they get to live with?

Should children get to choose which parent they get to live with as long as there is no abuse going on.

So a friend of mine is having a dilemma with his ex wife. They split up when their child was 2 years old and have had 50/50 custody ever since. The split up was a bad one and left the ex wife hating him and trying to do anything to make his life hell. The child is 11 and will be turning 12 soon at 12 years old in our state a child can choose if they want to live with one parent full time and not the other. The living situation at mom and dad house are completely different. At dads house the child has chores, has a certain amount of time he can play video games and is made sure to do his homework. At moms house the child plays video games all day has no responsibility and literally never does his homework the days he is at moms (the teacher has called and told dad about the homework).

The mom is trying to convince the child to live with her full time. It’s obvious she is only doing this to hurt the dad and make him have to pay her child support, even though dad pays for EVERYTHING for the child (clothes, toys, medical bills ect ). Mom has never even bought the child clothes or helped pay for any medical bills. Since the child has no responsibility at moms house and gets to play video games all day it’s obvious that a 12 year old would like that living situation better.

Do you think a child should be able to choose which parent to live with when both parents are able to do 50/50 custody?