Need some advice- 16 month old and attachment

So my little girl is 16 months old and for the last 3-4 weeks she has grown very very attached to me, to to the point where my husband can barely do anything with her if I'm not there because she has the biggest meltdown, will literally non stop cry and scream out for me.

Usually once a week he gets up with her in the morning so I can have a lay in and recently she will cry for a solid hour at the bottom of our stairs until she stops and he can distract her with something else and she will be okay then.

I love that she wants her mum and obviously finds me as her safe place but all I want is that one morning a week to get some extra sleep, especially as I am pregnant!

She never used to be like this, before I could take her into a room and leave again without her caring 🤷‍♀️ now I cant even go for a pee without it being the worse thing ever and tears starting!

Any advice??