What’s happening?!


I am almost 11 weeks pregnant so I’m just at the end of the first trimester. Yesterday I started having some spotting. Really light, I didn’t even have to wear anything to catch it. It started around 11 am. No cramping or anything but some lower back tenderness, although it’s so minimal I would’ve probably not noticed it if I wasn’t looking for symptoms.

My partner and I had sex the day before and it was kind of intense. It’s the first time since being pregnant that we are able to go at it like that. I also had a cervical polyp removed not very long before I got pregnant which used to bleed sometimes when we had rougher sex.

So maybe it is just that???

Now it’s 5 am the day after and i am still spotting. It hasn’t gotten worse in terms of the amount of blood or any cramping or feeling bad overall so I guess this is a good sign.

I have a doctors appointment on Monday but this weekend is feeling longgggg!

If I was having a miscarriage, would the bleeding and cramping get worse? I’ve never miscarries before so I have no idea what I’m looking for.

Also, I just want to mention that I’m sorry for anyone who has gone through this and may feel triggered by this post. This is an incredibly scary feeling and my heart goes out to anyone who has had to live through this before.