

At about 4 am i woke up due to heartburn and noticed my palms were itchy, so i itched them and after realizing the itch wasnt being relieved, i googled "itchy palms pregnancy" and thats when i learned of cholestasis. I ended up going back to sleep and today im still itchy, i'll itch my palms and end up itching my arms down to my back and sides and it will just go from there. I drink alot of water, my urine isnt "orange" im not sure if this happens over time since i just started itching last night. Im 35 + 4. I have a lab work ordered for monday to see if it could be cholestasis so we will see. Ive showered, even refrained from using my body wash and all incase it was making me break out which I havent the whole time ive had the bottle, im just trying to rid out some causes. Have any of you been diagnosed with it? What were the first signs if so? If not, what did your itching end up being?