Parents with more than 2 kids

Joanna • Just blessed 💕💖

My husband and I just had our second child 5 months ago and have decided that he will be our last. Not because we wouldn't want more (I would very much like a third), but because we feel we can't afford another one. Aside from the running costs (food, clothes, doctor appointments, insurance etc.), there are long term costs like education.

I keep reading on this app about women who are about to have baby no. 5, 6 etc. I know the majority of users here are from the U.S. (I live in Europe) and the system there is so much worse than here in terms of financial family support by the goverment. So my question is, how do you all cope with many children? Are there some "tricks" I'm unaware of that would make it possible for me to have another one? Would be helpful if you also told me where you're from so that I could compare. Thank you!