Quitting my job....


So I know what I’m about to say comes from a place of privilege that I’m well aware of. But I’m so ready to quit my job and focus on the rest of my pregnancy, preparing the house and myself/husband for the upcoming changes. I moved to another country to be with my husband and between visa drama and getting my credentials transferred/approved I haven’t really worked full time the past 5 years. My husband owns a business and I keep the books, I also tend the house. He is amazing and sees what I contribute as 100% equal. After a year of fertility issues/treatments I decided I wanted a full time job to do something for me and get my mind off everything. I switched from teaching high school to medical administration. Well wouldn’t you know, literally 5 minutes after I got my first full time job in years, my doctor called to say I was pregnant. It was a big day lol.

Anyway I’m now 20 weeks. I spent the first 15 weeks horrendously sick to the point I lost 22 pounds. I don’t like my job, and I’m frustrated that I have no time to do the things I used to do (I have like no friends here so I’m talking about cleaning, cooking, and yoga). I’m tired of my house being messy. I’m tired of coming home from a job I don’t like to only be able to keep my eyes open for 2 hours before I fall asleep.

Althouhhh the extra money is nice, we certainly don’t “need” it and it’s peanuts compared to my husband’s income. He originally wanted me to stick it out until the baby comes but now he’s like “oh just give it another couple weeks”. I literally couldn’t give a shit about my job so I’m definitely slacking in my work.

Sorry for the big long rant, it’s those Monday morning feels!

Idk, anyone else leaving work well before baby is due?