Due date anxiety...

So I/we have a quite strained relationship with my MIL. She is emotionally unstable, has substance abuse problems and knows no boundaries. She was difficult after our first was born and continues to be a challenge. She is kind of a combination personality where she simultaneously doesn’t bother with us or our daughter, EXCEPT when she wants to use us or daughter to show off like she’s grandma of the year or something. She has a tendency to find a way to ALWAYS make everything about herself. We generally keep low contact with her. I’m rapidly reaching the end of this pregnancy, and so far she has argued with me over baby’s name (which she doesn’t know but is insisting on a family name), called this baby (a boy) our “firstborn” despite the existence of our daughter, and told everyone who will listen that she hopes our baby looks like her. This is on top of several alcohol-induced outbursts, and all of her normal nonsense which I won’t get into. Now, the baby is due a few days after MIL’s birthday and I am having major anxiety about the baby being born ON her birthday. I just know she will be completely insufferable if that happens. I know this is really the least of my worries, all I want is a healthy baby and safe delivery for us both. Not to mention, I can’t control it one way or the other. It’s just getting in my head and making me nervous that we will wind up with one more issue to navigate with her.