Someone tell me I’m not the bad guy here

My ex and I split up about a month ago. We both decided it was for the best and it was totally mutual. He kept our house and my daughter and I moved four hours away so I could take care of my granny. The day we moved out, he moved two of his friends in and I’ve heard from the neighbors that the house now reeks of weed. I haven’t even finished moving all of our stuff out, and now they’re smoking weed inside.

So he’s called our daughter (6months old) daily to talk to her and he tries to be friendly with me. He’s visited once, and he said he couldn’t afford a hotel so I let him stay with me so he could spend more time with her. He isn’t ready to take her overnight yet, since she’s exclusively breastfed and refuses bottles. No hard feelings from him, he understands. So while he was here, he wanted to hook up and I shut it down immediately. I told him from now on, he needed to get a hotel if that’s how he was going to act.

Fast forward. He begged me not to put him on child support right away and said he’d send me whatever I needed for our daughter. After about two weeks, I asked him to send me $30 for a box of diapers. Not that I needed it, but I just wanted him to be contributing something. If he was fine helping when I needed it, there’s no reason to put him on child support. He acted like it was no issue, but he kept “forgetting” to send it. Took him almost a week.

About a week ago, he called at midnight and said he wanted to come down that night to see our daughter the next day. I told him he’d need to get a hotel or just come down the next morning, and he “suddenly remembered” he had work the next day 🤦🏻‍♀️. All I ask from him is that he gives me a week heads up for when he’s going to visit so I have time to rearrange plans. Well, tonight he calls and says he is coming down tomorrow but he ‘doesn’t know if he can afford a hotel’.

My thoughts are, he moved two friends into the house who are splitting the bills with him. He’s not paying any kind of child support so, why can’t he afford a hotel?

At this point I’m ready to just get everything settled the right way through court. Does that make me the bad guy?