

I’ve done fairly well throughout this COVID-19 crap. But every few weeks it just all seems like it’s too much and I get extremely overwhelmed. And right now, I’m at the overwhelmed stage.

I’m working 40 hours from home with my son, who is into everything and always on the move so it’s exhausting. I could send him to daycare, but I know for a fact 1 of the other kids parents aren’t social distancing, havent been and his moms a hair dresser who isn’t following the rules set in place for her. And the other child’s mom works in a hospital and they’re not good about keeping him home when he’s sick even normally so that worries me. Plus, I’ve been home with him 24/7 since March 16th. So I feel horrible sending him to essentially a complete stranger.

We’ve seen family a little bit, from a distance and have asked everyone to not hold him but man, it’s just so tiring having to constantly worry about this crap. I’m just so exhausted mentally and emotionally. And my SO does a great job helping out and trying to give me breaks. But it’s hard to feel like you’re “off duty” 5 feet from your child. ‘Me’ time is usually going to lunch with a friend. The ONE “lunch date” I’ve had with friends since March was outside in my back yard last weekend, and I ended up having to take care of my son because his dad had to go look at a job site. So it wasn’t even a full break.

I guess what it boils down to is I’m sad. And frustrated. And mainly just tired. I’m sorry for ranting