Visitors once the baby is born...

Ellen • Married to the love of my life 💞 Baby boy born 9/30/20 💙 Baby girl due 2/2022 💗

Are y’all going to allow visitors to visit the baby once you’re home from the hospital?

I’m a first time mom and I’m honestly already feeling overwhelmed by the amount of people who will want to come visit once the baby is born. The hospital we are delivering at is only allowing one designated person there 24/7 so my husband will be with me. I’m not really overwhelmed by the hospital stay bc no one can visit but once we get home...😬

My husband has paternity leave and plans to use his vacation days once the baby is born (YAY🙌🏻)...even though he will be home for a few weeks, we don’t necessarily want to refuse help if offered. I mean we’re first time parents so we will probably need it 🤣 but at the same time, idk how to nicely tell our families that they may not get to visit all the time once we’re home. Covid doesn’t seem to be going away and we don’t want to compromise our baby’s health either until he has his shots. Oh, my stepmom from out of town also wants to stay with us once we’re home 🤦🏻‍♀️

I know we still have until October to see what happens with this virus but this has just been on my mind recently 🙃

Thank you ladies for your input! Definitely opened up different perspectives. I guess we will see what happens when our babies are born 🥰