1st Birthday guest list


So I’m beginning to very lightly plan my sons first birthday! By lightly, I mean pinning ideas on Pinterest 😉 Although, I’ve been wondering who does one invite to a baby’s first birthday.

Let me back up- for his baby shower, we actually had 2; one hosted by my mom with pretty much HER friends (who I never see) and then one hosted by my aunts (in-law), which was family. That being said, ever since our son was born, NONE of my my moms friends have seen him (which I’m not upset about), a select few from my side of the family have seen him, because of Christmas... on my in law side, they see him pretty frequently! So, I guess I’m wondering, would it be considered rude to invite people based off how much of a relationship they have to my son? Not my husband and I, but to my son. I don’t want to hear from my mom “well my friend so&so would love to come” or even from my MIL “you’re great aunt and second cousins would love to see him” (who we see 1x/year at Christmas”.

Ya feel me??

Just curious if I should lighten up or really set my standards for who I want to include in my sons party. I’ve never been one to invite people just “for more gifts”.