Advice please!


So this morning my bf tells me that he might go back to school. And this was also 10 mins before I left for work so I really didn’t have time to talk it over with him.

Well then he texts me later at work and was kinda defensive, saying he can’t do manual labor with his health. Also he just started his manual labor job. He was the the one who wanted to learn a trade instead of finishing school.

Of course I want him to do what’s best but he didn’t get my opinion. Like I thought we were going to start looking at houses to rent and I’ve been buying some house things. And that will be put on hold if he quits his job to go back to school. I was going to go back too but I was going to do part time school.

At what point in a relationship do you consider your partner’s opinion?

Just stressed because I moved in with my mom and it was supposed to be temporary. I don’t even have a real bedroom. I have to stay in the basement because that’s the only place