I feel like a failure.


Something happened this weekend that I just can't shake. It literally slapped me in the face and had me close to tears and instantly made me feel like I have failed as a mother.

I was in Target with my 13yr old and we walked past the underwear section where there was a model on a poster in underwear, the way she was sitting made "rolls" appear on her stomach. My daughter points and says "ugh that's embarrassing". I think I stopped breathing for 5mins due to the invisible gut punch I just experienced. How did this happen? How does she think that it is ok to see someone that way? How can she not see how beautiful it is for people who are REAL to be put on display rather than photoshopped/edited pictures that used to be the "thing". Of course it's great to be fit and in shape (this model was) but people are all different shapes and sizes!!

I know she is still a child, I get it. Teens can be superficial but I can't believe MY daughter who I have raised to see people for who they are not what they look like can still say something like this and think it's ok.

I tried as calmly as I could to inform her that people weren't always displayed in their true form and that caused all kinds of things like false expectations and eating disorders etc. and that we have to embrace people for who they are and not concentrate or put so much emphasis on the exterior. That it is not ok to shame someone for not fitting into her idea of perfection... I don't think I did/said enough. It's still bothering me as you can see in this ridiculously long post... If you read until the end, thank you.