I want to try for baby #3, but...


I’ve had the Skyla IUD since I was six weeks PP with my second son (almost one year ago), and I’m due for my annual well woman check up. I’m thinking about mentioning wanting to have it removed for a couple reasons. 1...I feel like it is affecting my hormones in getting romantic with my husband. Ever since I had my son, I’ve had literally ZERO desire to have sex like at all, and I feel bad for both of us. 2...I haven’t had a period since before I got pregnant. I had the spotting after I had my son, but since I got my IUD, I have only had very very VERRRRY minimal spotting every now and then. Like not even noticeable amounts. 3...I want to get pregnant again!! I have loved being pregnant with both my kids and I want to continue growing our family! My husband is a little against it right now bc our oldest (he’ll be 3 in October) is still in diapers. We are planning to switch his bed to a full size and start potty training next week, so I’m hoping this will help him make steps in the right direction to becoming a full fledged big boy!

Did you have trouble convincing your partner to conceive your next baby? I wanna have like 5 or 6 but my husband says he’s done after 3. 😭 What do you think?