Testing urine at home ...

Hello everyone ! I’m high risk due to having preeclampsia last time ! Due to covid I can only see my midwife once a week for monitoring for it this time around so I’ve had test strips to come home to test my own urine and also have a bp machine ...

Anyway I know that these results are nothing to do with preeclampsia ( well I take it ) I have been testing my urine for 3 weeks now on my own ( every time I go to my midwife she does send the urine off as the results come back the same on her test strips too ) but haven’t had results back yet ( long I know ) anyway every time I have tested I always have ++ leukocytes and A dark positive nitrates a trace of protein and a trace of glucose ...

Anyone know what could be going on ? I’ve had it for 3 weeks and had no symptoms of uti or kidney pain ...

I have had a mucus show about 3 weeks ago that’s why I didn’t take notice of the leukocytes to start off with due to it could be the discharge anyway it’s still there and now with a dark result of nitrates.

I do have preeclampsia symptoms again but only slightly ( bp sometimes rises but goes down , I have swelling in one foot but not the other and I have headaches )

Thankyou just wondering if anyone has had these in their urine and it turn out to be something ?

36 weeks today !