Daily checkin 06/16

🌠 Nirmi 🌠 • 4 IUI ❌. 1st IVF cancelled. 2nd IVF ➡️ retreival + fresh transfer ➕ ➡️ anembryonic pregnancy. 3rd IVF retreival ➡️ 0 Blasts

Good morning ladies

How are we all doing today. How is stims going for you ? Retreival ? Transfer? How is that horrible wait for day5 report or pgs results or to do hpt or the wait for those beta draws and ultrasound ?

Vent and share and ask away. We are here for support and encouragement.

Best of luck to Alex for her retreival. Wishing you excellent outcomes and retrieving at least 10 mature healthy great quality eggs 🙏🤞🙏🤞🙏🤞🙏🤞🙏🤞