Potty training signs?


Im clueless when it comes to this.

He knows how to go grab a diaper when i asked if he needs his butt changed. And will take the diaper and throw it in the trash after. If its a hard poop ill take the diaper and show him that i dump it in the potty and say this is where your poop goes lol...

But the past two days when i go to take his diaper off for a bath he has peed as soon as i took it off. He hasnt done this in probs ten + months since he was really little...

Is this a sign he knows how to “hold it” and goes when he wants. My mom said when they start to hide in order to go poop its a good sign that he may be ready to start... but i truly dont think he will hide because we arent “shy” about bathroom time. I leave the door open when i go - when its just me and him home and he comes over and grunts like he has to go too. Its very cute..

But anyways im not sure when to start trying to potty train because this pee thing could just be him testing boundaries? Idk