Only naps in her crib

My 8 Month old is a wonderful sleeper and I'm very thankful for that. She has been sleeping through the night for a few weeks now and naps without a problem during the day as long as I put her in her crib. She uses her sleep sack to self sooth and falls asleep on her own within minutes. The only thing is, she doesn't seem to be able to sleep anywhere else and now that the lockdown is over I want to go out more. I want her to be able to sleep in her stroller, car seat, grandparents place etc.. But she doesnt even get close. We tried to go to a pool and it was very hot out so I couldn't put her in her sleep sack and she refused to nap in her stroller.. We had to leave shortly after because she just got too cranky. One of my friends said you shouldn't let the baby always sleep in one place and she makes sure her little one naps everywhere, in stroller, play pen, outside, etc. But I feel like if I did that she wouldn't sleep as well in her crib or during the night. Is it possible to have both? A good sleeper that sleeps anywhere!?