Another loss😒


Hey ladies I hadn’t posted in a while because I was waiting for my results and well

My dr called me today with my 2nd beta results.. another chemical! Sheesh. 10months, 200+ shots, and 3 failed frozen transfers!

Can I ever catch a break? Idk how I’ve come all this way, who knew 10 months ago I was so naive and excited to be “pregnant” for each transfer when I saw those 2 lines.. little did I know .. 🤕

She wants me back in Friday to test me for any autoimmune disorders, has anyone had that done? She said it’s a bunch of tubes and stuff kinda freaked me out lol but she practically said she wants to check with this blood work and if not it’s just a “bad batch” of embryos. This is why I should have PGS tested them!😫 but that was not an option for us because “age” etc. i have 4 embryos left out of 9.

I just hope we find the issue ASAP because I am so tired of these chemicals! It’s the worst. Era isn’t needed due to me implanting.. but I really hope we figure it out and my next transfer will most likely be sometime in August! My butt needs to catch a break. Haha

does anyone have any recommendations on what to ask my dr besides autoimmune?

Well, heres to another cycle.. 💔