After chemical

I had a chemical last month .. I had light pink spotting for a week then it went to bright red bleeding I passed one big clot the whole experience, then it tampered off pink spotting in the ending.. at first I thought I was having a weird period but that had never happened to me before. I had a positive test and faint positive test..but I was still in question on rather or not it was a chemical although the doctor said sure that’s what it was. Well I ovulated about two weeks later and I was hoping this was my month but my period came on like it normally does each month. Looking back I guess I now can confirm that it really was a chemical by how the period was. I know it happened last month but I didn’t really get to think about it because I didn’t know much about chemicals. But this month it’s kinda hitting me .. like actually seeing my period come on full force like it normally does idk.. I hope I can conceive soon ..