Can’t feel contractions


😩 went in for my 38 week appt today to find out I’m 4cm dilated. I asked about a membrane sweep and she said it wasn’t needed since my body is already doing it and if I was only at a 1cm then they would but since I’m already at 4 there was no reason. She said baby is super low and will be coming soon.

She said based off me dilating to a 4 (from a 2 week prior) is having contractions and just do t notice.

I told her I know they told me when my stomach toughens but I feel like my stomach is always tight!

She said once I started having contractions I needed to go to the hospital ciz of how dilated I already am and if I get extremely painful co traction’s that’s a sign I’m already at a 6-7 cm dilated.

She said any pressure I feel that is even slightly uncomfortable to time and see if its a contraction.

I’m so scared I’m not gonna know until it’s too late, my hospital I wanna deliver at is 30-45 mins away!

Dr also said hesgonna come fast and it’ll most likely be a quick labor