Red flag ?

So I’ve recently started talking to this guy. We’ve been around eachother in the past through a mutual friend but nothing ever came of it. No flirting or anything. A few weeks ago the mutual friend invited me to a small party & it ironically was at the guy’s house. Long story short we exchanged numbers and started texting. Day 1 of texting he tells me “I think I like you” and says he never spoke up before b/c he thought me & the mutual friend had something going on so he wanted to be respectful.

About a week into us hanging out (no sex) he tells me he loves me. I tell him “you don’t love me. This is just lust” & he tells me when he says he loves me , he really means he really really likes me (he’s international so eh, cultural difference maybe?) so I say okay. So let’s stick with “I really really like u” instead.

A week later (still no sex) he says he loves me again & I say “what did I tell u 😒” and he says “no I love you , I can’t explain it. It’s just a feeling in my heart” . I honestly wasn’t too bothered by him saying he loves me (maybe b/c my ex showed little genuine emotion & this new guy showers me in affection & attention) but my best friend said she feels like he could be trying to fill a void or trying to cover up some trauma (like failed relationships in the past) & that’s why he’s so eager to cater to me and openly love me. Idk what to think honestly. Aside from him saying he loves me , he’s not overly clingy or needy & gives me my space when I need it. Maybe he just ... knows I’m “the one” for him ?? Idk

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