Insensitive husband

I've been suicidal lately ( I'm working really hard to get better). I suffer from anxiety and depression. Tonight I told my husband I've noticed a decline in my mental health since I stopped initiating sex, I acknowledged I'd still be upset even if I was but I'm sure it hasn't helped.

I stopped initiating because he rejected me a lot, and he said he felt pressured to have sex with me. He'd reject me while I was naked, before I'd even mentioned i wanted it, and many many other times. It got so bad I was full of fear and insecurity whenever I would go to initiate.

I told him I thought we might have sex today since it's been awhile and he told me I'm not doing my part. I tried to explain my pov and he tried to explain his but it didn't get anywhere.

Then after a long pause he says you know you never stop to think about my mental health, and how you are always wanting more from me. (I haven't asked anything of him for months.) Mind you this man has said he doesn't get why depressed people can't just be happy. He literally doesn't even understand why people can't just be happy.

I'm amazed that this man who was earlier saying he was worried about me and wanted to help to flipping this switch and being selfish.

I know I'm oversensitive, but doesn't what he has said seem really crazy?

Edit:. I know some of you are saying I am not considerate of him or I'm not thinking of him, truth be told I could be better at thinking of him. But everyday I wake up with him and help him make his lunch, then take care of our baby and the house, I also work from home. When he comes home I make his dinner and I wash his laundry. I know I do all I can to help him, and most of the time I am a loving wife. Last night I was feeling pretty slighted and I needed to vent. Thank you all for your opinions.