HSG Procedure


Hello Ladies 👋🏽

I was curious to know how was your experience? Did you get pregnant afterwards? What was your results?

*HSG procedure is is an X-ray test to outline the internal shape of the uterus and show whether the fallopian tubes are blocked. They insert a dye into your tubes*

My experience:

I arrived at the hospital and had to go in alone due to COVID 19 which is understandable.

They told me to take off my bottoms but I was able to keep my top on and mask. So I put my gown on over my clothes and walked into the X-ray room where I saw the technician / assistant.

I waited for a good 10 minutes for my doctor to arrive due to high x rays needed from other people. When he arrived he went over the procedure.

I had to lay down on my back with my ankles basically touching my butt. He inserted the speculum into me (like I’m having a Pap smear) and then he told me he was inserting the catheter which leads up to my uterus and Fallopian tubes.

From a scale 1-10 that was a solid 4. Then he inflated this tiny balloon to keep the catheter in place while i had to reposition myself. I had to push my body back and lay completely flat.

The x ray technician couldn’t get the machine to work and ran off to get another person to help her because she had a question. Then the next thing I knew was two more came in running around trying to figure out how to make the image come up on the screen. Turns out they had to reset the machine and it eventually worked. My doctor wasn’t too happy that it took that long to get it to work and had to have me lay there awkwardly waiting 😂

He proceeded to put the dye in me which was an experience for me. It honestly felt like a HUGE cramp. From a scale 1-10 I would say it was an 8 1/2. I’ve reached to a 10 with my monthly cramps so it was tolerable for me.

They had me turn to my left and right and showed me on the screen that my tubes were super clear! 🙌🏽

I only spotted for a day and cramped for a tiny bit afterwards. Luckily it fell on a few days before my ovulation day sooooo of course my hubby and I baby danced like no tomorrow 😂