

My best friend has asked me if I want to book a last min hol to Ibiza for 2 nights and 3 days, I spoke to my boyfriend about it and asked him if he would be bothered, thinking it would be nothing and it’s turned into a big deal, he’s kind of making me feel like I shouldn’t even of mentioned it at all, he’s saying that people only go there when they want a new boyfriend, he said that he trusts me but not when I’m with my friend, he was saying that she’ll be off cheating on her boyfriend this and that, then he was like do you know what just go just go you go have fun on your holiday blah blah... and even said that its annoyed him more because me and him haven’t gone on holiday yet. I feel really bad and guilty like I shouldn’t of even mentioned it, but I want to go with her, I think I’d have an amazing time and from my point of view I can’t see anything wrong with it? Can someone help?