33yo mom of 3 littles.... Should I wear this bikini?

Ashley • With my love for 16yrs, PCOS, Crohn's, M/C, mom of 2 beautiful rambunctious boys ages 3yo & 1yo.

Update: Haha, I have been trying to figure out how to edit this post for days. I just figured it out. I just want to say a HUGE thank you to ALL the advice/opinions etc. I appreciate them all! You ladies have no idea how great you all made me feel about myself. With that said I went ahead and bought a size up in the bottoms and it fit and looks much better than the ones in this pic, so maybe that was my fault for it looking off.

Also it's a Walmart bathing suit. I couldn't bring myself to spend a lot of money on something I wasn't sure I would even wear often.

Hi ladies,

Looking for some honest feedback. I'm a 33 year old mom of 3 (4yo, 2yo, 9mo)

I have been losing weight and just now starting to work out. With all that being said I purchased this bikini because it was just so cute and I loved the colors. I was feeling brave in the store, but now I'm not sure if I am just being optimistic about being able to actually wear and look good in a bikini.

I asked my SO and of course he said I looked great, but I'm not sure if he would actually tell me it didn't suit me.

I also messaged one of my female friends to get her opinion and she hasn't looked at my message yet. So idk if I should keep it or return it.

Also I have not done my hair or anything else so please excuse if I look like a Victorian sick child. 😂