Baby girl is here crazy birth sorry

Mayra • Married to the love of my life 💍, mom to a beautiful girl 👨‍👩‍👧

So this is my crazy birth story: I’m a FTM so everything was new to me. On Wednesday June 10, I started having contractions but not close enough, I called my OB next day on Thursday, she told me to keep track of contractions and go to the hospital when they were 5 min apart. I went in that night because they were 6 min apart and I had some pressure on my lower abdomen. I was only 2cm dilated so I got sent back home. 😐

Friday rolled around, then Saturday I can’t help with the pain, very painful contractions, they would make me cry, I couldn’t even seat on the toilet and I couldn’t go 1 or 2 it was horrible. So I went to the Hospital, they accept me in, I was told I was 5cm and I was having a baby Saturday or Sunday, but then once in the birthing suit they told me I am not contracting enough (only once every 10 min) so then sent me home 😭 I was crying because I was in so much pressure and pain. But because I’ve never been pregnant I thought all this pain and pressure is normal. I would literally scream when I went to the bathroom only to pee just a little.

Sunday come around, a lot of pain, pressure, and not being able to move too much. My husband prepared a warm bath and when I was there and I tried to get up this sharp horrible pain on my right lower abdomen and leg came on super strong I couldn’t even move. My husband says “we are going to the hospital again I don’t care” we drive to the hospital, everything hurts so bad, I am honestly feeling I don’t ever want to be pregnant again. They send me to triage, a bunch of people came in, do an ultrasound, it turns out, baby’s head was pressing my bladder so bad I have so much pee inside of me. They drain me, everyone in the room is so amazed at the amount of liquid they are retrieving they just kept saying “oh poor you that must have been feeling horrible”. So crazy, as soon as I’m empty I start contracting every 3-5 mins, they want to keep me for observation but decide to send me to labor and delivery because I keep dilating and contracting often. I really think that all the pee inside my bladder didn’t let my uterus contract like it should have been.

I delivered my baby on Monday, my bladder is good now 😅 at least I can pee 🤣

I’m so thankful for the doctors, and my husband, that really took care of me, and did what he could to make sure I was ok. Here is a pic of my precious little girl