Why do I continue to let him manipulate me?

I left my ex about 6 months ago.

Since then, he has not helped a dime with child support and he takes our daughter twice a month. I have not even ordered child support because our relationship was so bad that for once, I am enjoying the peace- but I am so tired of being taken advantage of.

He is still manipulating me and I’m allowing it. I have given him money so that he can pay his mortgage and not lose his house, as I sit here sharing a bedroom with our daughter in my mother’s apartment. I have him on my health insurance because “he doesn’t know what he will do without it”. NOT TO MENTION- he filed bankruptcy and now I am solely responsible for our debt we had together. I feel so weak. Like what the actual heck is wrong with me?

I need to put my foot down. Enough is enough. I am not enabling him anymore. I am 24 and he is almost 35. I can’t do this anymore. He needs to get his shit together so that I can take care of our daughter and myself. I plan on writing up custody papers and child support for the courts.

Am I in the wrong here? He makes me feel so guilty since I’m the one who left

*not seeking legal advice- just need some words of encouragement*