Im 25 and I've been smoking for 11 years

I want to quit. I NEED to quit. I have three children and through each of my pregnancies I've had no problem putting my cancer sticks down. They made me so sick and that was always my first indication I was pregnant.

Not long after giving birth, I find myself reaching for one. My grandmother died of stage 4 small cell lung cancer two years ago. The cause was smoking. She was given 6 months to a year to live and I literally watched her slowly deteriorate right before my eyes.

I made a promise to her that I would quit and to myself. She died June 16th 2018. Its time for me to do as I promised. With that being said, I need help! Please!

Any kind of advice or anything would be great! I don't want to replace it with candy or gum since I have EXTREMELY sensitive teeth and I don't want anything with nicotine so I'm at a complete loss.