Transitioning to formula

My milk supply has dropped from going through mastitis twice. I had a huge oversupply before and had a little stash in the freezer. My baby is 6 weeks old and I decided to go ahead and switch to formula for mental health reasons. I still pump 3 times a day to prevent getting mastitis again. I make about 4 ounces a session/12 ounces a day. My freezer stash is completely gone now and I started giving the baby formula a couple days ago. She drinks around 25 ounces a day so she went from drinking breastmilk all the way to half formula/half breastmilk. She’s been crying non stop since I did this and it’s making me feel extremely guilty for switching. The doctor told me it could take a while for her digestive system to get used to formula and she’s probably a little constipated. Tonight has been the worst night so far, she hardly slept at all throughout the day and she’s been up every 45 minutes tonight. And when she’s “asleep” she’s grunting and making noises. My PPD is 10x worse now and I thought that switching to formula was going to help me. Does this get any better?? I obviously feel like an idiot because I should’ve slowly weaned her from breast milk to formula but I had no idea. I thought I was doing the right thing. And now I don’t even produce enough milk to make the weaning process easier for her. I just want to successfully formula feed and for her to be happy. Will she eventually get used to it?