Google home interrupts this message...


So a few days ago we got a google home! *Side note, my husband programmed it, and when he set it up he used this silly old man Brooklyn accent, and I swear it picks up that voice better than when we use our normal ones!*

So fast forward, we put it up in our bedroom, in which we usually “okay google, play sleep music” which plays a very nice, zenful playlist off YouTube for us to go to sleep.

Well last night, my husband “okay googled” to play some “bed time” music, which started fine, sounded like a lullaby but what we thought was the same usual “sleep music” play list;

Well fast forward some time, the hubby and I started to get intimate, and started having (some bomb might I add) sex, both of us were so into it, it felt amazing!!! So then right while I’m in the middle of my climax, and what I assume was him getting ready to enter his, our google home began playing this jazzy, soulful version of a woman singing.........


And we LOST IT! I was laughing so god damn hard there wasn’t even any noise coming out!!!!! It was like a skit on a comedy show! And THEN google home would not listen to us in our normal voices to turn off, and my husband had to do his stupid Brooklyn accent, still inside me and roaring with laughter, for it to FINALLY stop playing!

My husband said google home must of felt we needed to be a bit more PG since there’s a baby in the room (I’m 22 weeks pregnant 🤣🤣🤣)

But wow was it a good laugh (and so hard for me to get serious after to help my husband finish!! Lol)

So moral of the story, always make sure to tell google to play sleep music and not bed time music, unless you want an awkward night like ours lol! Hope this gives someone a good laugh the way it did us, something we will laugh about probably for the rest of our lives lol