is it safe to go?

ok so my state is starting to reopen and cases are decreasing .. so me and my boyfriend decided from not seeing other for 3 months we would slowly start to seeing each other again. meaning not hanging with each other every other day to one a week or once every two weeks... idk if that taking caution or not but that just what we decided lol.. well like two days ago i woke up with a sore throat itchy eyes and a stuffy nose i had no fever.. im sure its not the covid but i think it was a cold or it was from having my ac blasted all night . its only lasted one day ..i got it on tuesday and today is friday i planned on seeing him today but im not so sure if i want to anymore what if im still contagious and right now is not the time to get any one sick.

p.s ... please not negative comments just comment your opinion w/o being a smart ass lol. thank you ( this only for the rude ppl on this app)

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