Sex.. ehh. Vibrators... OMG!!!

My partner and I aren’t sleeping in the same bed at the moment due to an argument. He’s my first boyfriend and the first man I’ve had sex with where I feel a connection. I’ve only just started feeling connected to him during sex the past month and we’ve been together for a year.

Now that we’re not good, I pulled my vibrators out and OH MY GOD! I forgot how good they felt! I forgot how good it feels to be pleasured. My partner doesn’t agree with me using vibrators and for a while he had me feeling ashamed for wanting to use them. That’s why I hadn’t in so long.

Also, I don’t think I’ve ever experienced an intense orgasm. They sort of fade away after everything builds up and feels really good. Maybe I’m not with the right partner. Maybe something inside me is blocking me.

Just thought I would share x

Sorry, just wanted to add, my partner and I always argue. We’re never really happy for more than a week. It’s sad. It makes me feel like we’re not meant to be. But when we’re good, our relationship is really good and I love it. I don’t think it’s because of the sex that we should end. They’re all factors to consider