Am I wrong?

It's really long and I'm sorry.

So my husband has these two friends that I just can't stand. Literally if it was my choice he wouldn't even talk to them. One of the guys we'll call him J got super drunk the night he found out his girlfriend was pregnant. His girlfriend is absolutely terrible. Well J walked in my daughters room, she had just turned 1, took out his penis and tried to pee on her crib with her asleep in it. We obviously went off and he started grouping me and calling me by his EX-GIRLFRIENDS name. I tried to forgive and forget and tried to be friends with them but I just couldn't. I was always watching their son and had my 2 kids while they got passed out drunk. They wouldn't ask just assumed and their son was only a month old and mine was a newborn. His girlfriend has tried to turn everyone in their group against me because of what her boyfriend did while acting friendly to me and I'm just not that type. If you have an issue don't pretend you don't and talk bad about me so when I confronted her they stopped talking to my husband. J was my husband's best friend since middle school so he still tried talking but J would never reply wouldn't even tell him where he lived. Only calls my husband when he needs something. His other friend we'll call him C has been their friend just as long. He's kinda weird. Well me and my husband had a fight because he had a drinking problem which he has worked on. Our fight was because he cut up my blanket while drunk. Well C got on facebook saying how horrible and low I was for being mad and how I never give him credit and I made it all up. 🙄🙄 I haven't spoken to C since. I'm grown, I'm a parent and I don't need all the drama. So C called my husband the other day asking him to pick up C and someone else and take them to Js house. My husband of course said yes and J finally said where he lives. Well I went off not at my husband just about the whole situation. You don't only associate when you need something. C messaged my husband yesterday telling him all about our marriage and how its not supposed to be that way. My husband didn't reply but was I wrong?