Today I Was Diagnosed


After about 6 years of pain (2 of those years being excruciating), I had a laparoscopy today to diagnose and treat my Endometriosis. I’m currently laying in bed feeling groggy and thirst, but I’m typing this as my victory post.

I have had horrible menstrual cramps and nausea ever since I was 15, and it made me miss school sometimes because I couldn’t stand upright. I went on the pill and that made me nauseous and bleed lightly 24/7. Then I got the patch and that helps for a short while until I had the BAD cramps.

I’m talking sharp and dull pains all over my abdomen for 3 weeks every month. Stabbing ovulation pains that made me sob and gasp. I had one good week and that was it. I did my research and suspected it was Endo, and I discovered my mother, her mother, and her mother’s mother all had Endo! Ugh.

I went in for surgery finally, and when I wake up, my doctor tells me there was a lot of Endometriosis tissue and he even had to remove my appendix. I don’t know what stage Endo I have, but I do know that my life is finally going to be mine again.

This is my victory against Endometriosis. SUCK IT, YOU STUPID FIBROIDS!!!