So confused

So confused! I am on cycle day 48. Still no period and BFN and the blood test results came back yesterday and they are negative too. I have never skipped a period and the longest AF has ever been has been 42 days and I feel her coming a few days before and still nothing.

A little bit of background, my husband and I started trying December 2018, I also got my IUD removed after having it for 3 ish years. My obgyn wanted us to try naturally for a year, in January 2020 I started 50mg of clomid. My obgyn wanted me to try it for 3 cycles. Even though I had the worst side effects during it I took it each cycle because I was ovulating! This is my second cycle without clomid and AF came and went okay last month (the first month off clomid) so if it’s the effects of clomid why was last months okay? I am not quite sure if or when I ovulated this month, I was feeling a bit blue and not sure motivated to track well. But I am pretty sure I felt like I did, (cramps, cm etc).

Anywho I was just wondering if anyone had this happen, if so are you pregnant? Or what the heck is going on with me? 😂😂