Ovulation tests! Picture in comments

Kaitlin • PCOS. 👼🏼2014, 💙2017, 👼🏼2019, 💙2023

I decided to go for it and buy a pack of ovulation tests and it literally made me happy when I started! My husband and I are trying for our third baby(second was a miscarriage) and we’ve been trying for 5-6 months now. With PCOS I never really knew exactly when I’d ovulate and stuff but I did get LH surge today!!! I started the test on the 16th, this morning was a good sign then I did it this evening and it was definitely! It’s hard now for us as my husband is in a different state working. But 🤞🏻🤞🏻 for myself and everyone else!!

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That’s great ! :D also iv heard some remarkable anecdotal evidence that Anna’s wild yam cream works wonders for pcos and just in general for ttc. I only have one tube but other than that don’t have any fertility problems. We tried first cycle and failed then next cycle went on Anna’s and got pregnant that cycle my baby is now 3 months old and iv just started the cream again as I’m breastfeeding and want my cycle back so I can start trying again.


Je • Jun 20, 2020
No problem:D


Kaitlin • Jun 20, 2020
I’ll definitely have to try that out!!! Thank you ❤️