Toddler waking up early

My 2 year old has been waking up at 5-6am. The issue is, he wakes up so early and then is exhausted and. Wanting to nap so early like sometimes as early as 9:30 am! He will only nap once a day but it's usually a 2 hour nap. He goes to bed at 8pm. He's waking up so early then gets so cranky and tired and I try to push the nap to 1030 or 11 because otherwise he's sleeping so early he is miserable later in the day but won't nap. I try to put him to bed earlier and it doesn't make a difference and he doesn't fall asleep. He always wants to sleep at 8pm, 7 or 730 has made no difference the days he does fall asleep at that time.

Am I doing something wrong? I ways have made sure he goes to sleep before he is over tired I keep a schedule lead by him, but I feel like I'm missing something. I just don't want him to be so tired and miserable due to waking up so early. He won't go back to bed once he's woken up he's wide awake and screams and cries in my face until I get up. Then crashes into the late morning and gets tired and cranky.

Any advice?