

Hey guys,

I’m 7 weeks +1 (gotta wait until July 2nd for first appointment, am in the UK). I have had anaemia/ iron deficiency problems on and off my whole life and I am struggling atm. I am so exhausted all the time, I can’t focus on anything or do the things I like to do to relax (I read a lot which atm is not happening, 5 pages and I want a nap). My sleep is disturbed because I now wake every night to pee and I feel so achy in the mornings.

I’ve heard the first trimester does this but I wondered if anyone had any tips? I’m on iron tablets, folic acid etc etc. Even when not pregnant I don’t drink hot drinks (terrible English person I know!). I’m already very anxious as this is the longest a pregnancy has stuck with me so any suggestions to try and make this time that bit easier would be much appreciated x