Weird cycle


Thank you for reading!!! I have been on this journey of ttc for 4 years now. Yes I went the fertility route for a week only to find out that the doc did not have my best interest in mind when given me medicine that was toxic to me. So I left that alone but found out that I am very low in vitamin d and have no folicals. So I started taking vitamin d and doing a little exercise and viola period is regular no more irregular. Long story short this period that I have from june 12, 2020 till now is still ongoing? However I did start taking prenatals a vegan based called rainbow light last monday. It has a bunch of super foods veggies and probiotics. I get my AF Friday night starts off light then sat medium flow with clots not a lot and the same sunday, that night it turns to pinkish spotting. Followed the next day mon and tuesday the same then wed spotting lots of brown so old blood right. Af is done so I thought. I bd with hubby that night and the next morning more brown with a hint of pink spotting. Friday more brown spotting and today the same. Everytime I number 2 it is diarrhea. Feel lethargic at times and I keep smelling hair grease. I just want to know if it could be implantation? Thank you for reading and can not wait to see your advice.