How careful are you about Covid?


Just curious how much contact you’re all having with people while going through the various <a href="">IVF</a> stages, and how much of it is for work.

I’m in LA, so lots of cases here and lots of restrictions. In the beginning I was halfway through stims for my last hope <a href="">IUI</a> round so I wouldn’t even let my husband near me (he was working as a chiropractor part time). Now I go to the doctor and grocery store but that’s it, and my husband only goes to work (we don’t have family local). Restaurants are opening but I’m sticking to takeout, and I do feel a little guilty about not attending peaceful protests (now that I’m post retrieval).

My main part time job I’m still working from zoom (kids/adults with special needs) until at least end of summer, but it looks like I’ll now be in person at a small private school come September. They’ll have major restrictions, but if mock cycle goes well, FET will be Aug/Sep. I can’t stay home forever. Then yesterday a pre-k kid I used to work with asked if I could work a few half days a week (now through summer) in their home, as this kiddo needs a lot of support and apparently their new nanny needs some modeling. The family is being super vigilant, and I’d wear a mask, so I’m leaning toward yes. (I do need the $$).

I know many of you have probably had to work in person through a lot of this pandemic. Has that been rough emotionally? Are you taking extra precautions? What are your plans once you get your bfp? (Side note- when I got my pre-retrieval covid test, my fertility clinic said they had yet to see a positive test).