Paragard IUD help!!


Okay... I hope I'm not just being totally crazy but, I just wanted someone else's input.

- have had the Paragard IUD since December

- had my period right on time, it started really slow but eventually picked up and was fairly normal.

- however, the blood seemed to be a different color, a teeny bit lighter than normal

- bled for about 9 days (normal for me) with cramps and all the usual symptoms

- whitish stretchy discharge started on day 13 of cycle and continued till today (day 18)

- ovulated around day 14

- have been having really bad acne this month (idk if it's from wearing a mask at work/humid weather)

- did 2 First Response tests just to make sure I wasn't pregnant, it was negative.

- took a test the day before my period even started, it was negative.

Okay.. so I'm still worried about pregnancy because I heard you can have "period like" bleeding and still be pregnant and I'm worried about the amount of discharge/acne I'm having this month. I know, I sound like a crazy woman! 😂 I appreciate the help in advance! 🥰