If your mom saved all your old stuff, would you keep it?


So my mom kept a bunch of my old stuff - I’m talking baby clothes, blankets, toys, books, etc. Some of the stuff I want and am totally fine with keeping (like my easy bake oven lol) but idk maybe it’s because I’m pregnant and due in two days but I was looking around and the majority of my first baby’s books are ones that my mom kept and idk I just felt the urge to get rid of them? Like some of them I’m fine with keeping but there’s so many that I feel like I’m never going to buy my daughters any of their own books because my mom kept so many of mine. And half of them are books I don’t even like 🤦‍♀️ Same with stuffed animals and barbies and things like that. Like I don’t mind keeping some of the stuff but I want to get rid of a lot of it and I’m worried my mom will notice and feel hurt because of it. Would you get rid of the stuff or keep it? Should I ask my mom if she wants some of it back? My mom lives six hours away from us so she won’t be babysitting (we also will not be allowing her to have our kids unsupervised for personal reasons). Help y’all idk what to do 😂

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