Moms of boys.

I’m probably going to regret this post as it never goes well. I also tried looking in the rules about it before posting but couldn’t find anything so please just remove it if need be.


I’m due with a boy in about 10 weeks and I’m wondering how you decided whether or not to circumcise. I’ve talked to my husband and he’s fine with it either way. I personally am not very educated on this subject as I don’t have a penis so I don’t know what it’s like but I have done a little research and read/heard stories but I just can’t decide.

I’m just asking how you came to your decision. Was it a personal opinion? did you ask doctors? google? let your husband decide? help a mama out.

*please do not turn this into a debate on whether you think it’s right or wrong. Also, if you have any articles that helped you. Feel free to share them!

*do not call it mutilation as I do know that’s against rules.