Husband wants more kids but i don't..


My husband and i have been married 4 years and have a beautiful amazing almost 2 year old. We always talked about having kids even when we were dating but decided to wait until we were more financially stable. While i was pregnant with my daughter we said we would start trying for another one when she turns 2. Now that shes almost 2 i have completely changed my mind. I love my baby more than life but shes a handful and im not exactly young anymore (we're both in our early 30s). I just can't imagine being pregnant again and having 2 children. I love our little trio and to me it feels complete! His mom is always asking when is baby number 2 coming and i always just laugh it off. He gets upset when I do that but I mean he doesn't have to go through terrible PPD and sleepless nights, mastitis and just not feeling like yourself for a while. I guess im just asking am i being selfish since i did agree to it at first?? Should i just give him one more then close up shop? Is it much harder with 2 than 1 or is it doable?