i need advice!


okay, so for the nursery, i really want a glider. something comfy and practical that matches the nursery aesthetic. my mom wanted to buy us one with money she got from my grandpa when he passed away in March... he bought my sister’s glider and my mom expects he would have done the same for us. i found a glider i love and my mom is going to order it.

my in-laws have a beautiful wooden rocking chair they wanted to give us for the nursery. it was made from a tree that was cut from my husband’s grandpa’s land. they used it to rock my husband and his brother when they were babies. it really is beautiful but i really do not want a rocker. i feel like they aren’t as comfortable and i wouldn’t really want to use it as much as a glider. not to mention there is carpet in the nursery and it will probably slide all around the floor.

i told my husband i love the rocker and feel bad not wanting to use it, but i just really want a glider. we have already accepted blankets and all kinds of other “hand me downs” from both of our families and i appreciate it all but want to also pick out new things we like. my husband isn’t offended and said he will tell them we won’t use the rocker but i still feel so bad.

anyone have experience turning down gifts like this from your in-laws and how did you handle it?