Early signs


So I’m just curious as to how you all knew you were pregnant?

I mean other than a missed period, did you have any other symptoms really early on?

Any thing specific you pick up on if you’ve had multiple kids that happened every time?

It’s too early for me to take a test yet but there’s just something niggling in the back of my mind saying test! We’re not actively trying but not actively avoiding either.

Like my body feels different. I’ve been nauseous 24/7 for just over a week and had quite a bit of cramping that’s like period cramps but still got around a week give or take before my period is due and don’t normally start cramping until the day before I start so I don’t think it’s that. I’m aware of when I roughly ovulated but I’m past that and still cramping when I don’t normally have it then either.

My periods are regular on the dot every month and pretty much always have the same symptoms of starting and same with ovulation, always have the same symptoms etc etc

I’m trying not to get my hopes up but at the same time I wanna know😅

Sorry it’s so long and thank you for reading this far